Merry Christmas!
2016 has been an intense year, on so many levels. I don’t know anyone who hasn’t been powerfully affected by the challenges of the year.
As we review the year past, and consider the year ahead, I’d like to offer support around not simply standing on your path of truth, but actually walking it.
How many years have gone by in which you set new intentions, planned for new things, took a stand for something that matters to you, and then didn’t seem to actually make progress toward what was most important?
This year, as I go inward during these Holy Nights, not only will I be setting intentions for the coming year, but I’ll also be creating a plan for acting upon those intentions.
If there’s one thing this past year has taught me, it’s the importance of taking action.
In taking various new actions, such as writing regular Inner Power Tools newsletters, broadening my outreach, and taking a youth group to Standing Rock, I connected more deeply with the Sacred Feminine, opened my heart to what the world is needing and how I can be of greater service, and ultimately began offering more powerful work through my courses such as Mother’s Medicine: Awaken the Sacred Feminine Within.
I love this quote by Robert Louis Stevenson:
“To know what you prefer instead of humbly saying
Amen to what the world tells you you ought to prefer,
is to have kept your soul alive.”
So many of us have been so encapsulated in what we “ought to” be doing, according to societal or cultural norms, that we forget to honor what we’re called by our soul to be doing or expressing.
I’ve expressed often this year that I firmly believe that we’re all being asked to connect more deeply with the feminine aspects of ourselves and of life itself.
We’re coming to a time in which the Sacred Feminine must come to balance the Sacred Masculine such that we can co-create new ways of sustainably existing together with all of life.
During this special time of year, when our own Spirit Seed is being planted within, I invite you to take ample quiet time to reflect and envision what you wish to create in the new year.
Many of us have become clear as to what matters to us, the boundaries we want to set for ourselves, and the goals we have for moving forward. Yet many struggle to take action around what they’re taking a stand for.
Action is often hindered by our “need to know.” The path of the Feminine is a path of unknown, darkness and discomfort. The only way to move forward is to continue placing one foot in front of the other, trusting that each step will offer more guidance and direction to continue walking your path in alignment with your soul’s longings.
To walk this path, I’ve found that we must tap into that Spirit Seed within. This is the Christ within, that is born a bit more strongly each year at this time in our hearts. For me, Christ is not about one man named Jesus.
The Christ is about the highest potential we all have as human beings…an archetype that we can all aspire to embody in our own unique way.
Sadly, religion often keeps this powerful aspect of ourselves at an arms length. Christianity has “stolen” the Christ from many, making it seem as though it’s outside of us to be worshiped from afar. I personally feel that we’re all birthing a droplet of the Christ within every year during the Holy Nights.
To be Christ-like is not about adhering to religious doctrine, but rather paying attention to how Christ shows up in and through us in life’s day to day actions and relationships.
To “be Christed” is to show up with each other, our work, our deeds, etc. in the most loving and compassionate way possible, aligning with our soul’s deepest longings and the higher will of Truth, Beauty and Goodness.
We are all Mary, expectant with child, seeking to birth our Christed Self with which we can move through the darkness of the unknown, and feel comfort in the radiance and light of our inner strength and fortitude.
Will you begin walking on the path, taking action for the things that feel most important to you?
Each year, I offer a Holy Nights Journal, aimed at providing nurturing support and guidance during these sacred nights of winter. I sold out of this year’s hard copies locally, but due to many inquiries for last minute orders, and the many people expressing their longing for structured support to go more deeply inward this year, I am offering this year’s journal as a downloadable pdf for you to work with and enjoy.
The Sacred Nights of Winter:
Connecting to the Sacred Feminine
A Journal of Preparation, Purification and RenewalClick the button to purchase, and you’ll be guided through a process of entering your email information to be sent your downloadable journal in pdf format.
I also have an online course, Make the Season Bright, which I’ve offered for a few years that shares nourishing ways to work with this season of the year. While Advent is complete, and the Holy Nights are upon us, you may still find this course to be a nurturing part of your holiday season.
However you choose to spend these sacred nights of winter, I hope that you take time to connect with your soul’s deepest longings, to tap into the Christed powerful part of yourself that can make such a difference for this world in need, and create a plan for yourself that challenges the status quo, moves beyond your comfort zone and steps onto a path that challenges you to manifest the vision you have for yourself this year and beyond.
I’m here for you, cheering you on, and wishing you the most joyous Christmas, and successful New Year ever.
May you and your family be blessed, this season and always!
Christmas Love, Peace and Joy,