Sacred Nights of Winter Journal 2023

Sacred Nights of Winter


Imagine transforming the darkest nights of the year into a journey of

Peace, Renewal and Magic

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This isn't just a journal - it's a complete experience.
Your purchase includes stunning 100+ page full-color journal, access to an enriching online community with nightly guidance, and the invaluable opportunity to nurture your Soul during the Sacred Nights of Winter and beyond.

The Map for Your Soul's Journey Is Waiting For You

Sacred Nights of Winter Journal - Living Aligned with Nature; Holiday Journal; Holy Nights Journal; Christmas Journal; Spiral Bound Sacred Nights of Winter Journals (group of 4) with pinecone held in hands on the cover
Sacred Nights of Winter Journal: Living Aligned with Nature; Nature Journal; Winter Journal, Holy Nights Journal, Holiday Journal, Christmas Journal

Every year brings a treasure map for your Soul, waiting to be discovered during the 13 Sacred Nights of Winter, also known as the Holy Nights. This map is designed to align you with your true path and provide guidance to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Winter nights hold a unique enchantment - a time when the world hushes into peaceful stillness, and the darkness offers a canvas for deep introspection and personal growth. Yet, it's easy to fell disconnected, overwhelmed, or yearning for something more during this season.

This is where the Sacred Nights of Winter Journal comes in.

Through intentional Winter journaling during the darkest, most mystical nights of the year, your Soul will open up to you and reveal a roadmap to help you navigate not only the depth of Winter's opportunity for self-discovery and empowerment, but also the coming year with grace.

As the snow falls and the stars twinkle above, this journal becomes your trusted companion. It is more than just pages waiting for your words. It's a gateway to your Inner Wisdom, a path to strengthening your intuition, and a guide to aligning your life with your Soul's true purpose.

This year's Sacred Nights of Winter Journal theme is
Living Aligned with Nature

Many of us yearn for a deeper connection with Nature, a longing to live in harmony with its rhythms and cycles. Yet, few truly understand Nature’s intricate patterns and principles.

If we want to truly live in harmony with Nature, then we must first understand the principles of Nature and how to live in connection and flow with them.

This year's Sacred Nights of Winter Journal will take you on a journey to understand, align with, and embody Nature's Way within you so that you can live aligned with Nature, and thrive in abundance, peace, and empowerment.

As part of this transformative journey, you'll also gain access to our private online sanctuary, the Sacred Nights of Winter Circle. This is a nurturing space far removed from the noise and distractions of social media, where you'll receive Nightly Oracle card drawings, supplemental video teachings, and a supportive community of kindred Soul's consciously embarking on the Sacred Nights of Winter journey.

The Sacred Nights of Winter Journal is more than a journal; it's your key to unveiling the sacred, the mystical, and the transformative within you. Step onto this empowering journey and embrace the magic of Winter while aligning your life with Nature's abundance.

Start Your Winter Transformation Now

Includes a Private Community Space with Additional Nightly Guidance, Support & Connection, plus Free Shipping in the U.S.!

Printed/Delivered Journals

An Annual Ritual of Peace, Renewal & Magic

Drawing inspiration from an array of wisdom traditions—Indigenous Wisdom, the Sacred Feminine, Archetypal and Eco Psychology, Anthroposophy (wisdom of the human being), Astrosophy (wisdom of the stars), Mythology, and the wisdom of Mother Nature—I’ve designed this journal to bring you solace, peace, and practical tools to support your journey through the coming year.

Many practices during this time focus on planning the new year with new resolves. While this is valuable, solely focusing on planning often overlooks other essential elements necessary for our life’s healthy unfolding.

Our Souls yearn for rituals that honor their profound wisdom.

The Sacred Nights of Winter journal works not only to consider your vision for the new year but also to bring you personalized guidance and inner clarity. It helps you rediscover the enchantment of life, replacing seasonal blues with inner peace, joy, and serenity.

The veil is thinnest during the Sacred Nights of Winter, and the Spiritual World is craving to offer us support in a world often fraught with turmoil. By pausing to listen through this potent and prophetic Winter journaling practice, we can step into the fulfilling and empowered life we envision for ourselves.

As you tap into your Inner Wisdom
during these 13 Sacred Nights of Winter, you will:

Sacred Nights of Winter Journal Wisdom; Reaching for Wisdom of Evergreens; Winter Journaling Beauty
  • Connect with Self-Trust and the power of Nature
  • Amplify your intuition and develop an enhanced ability to listen to its messages
  • Align confidently with your Soul’s deepest needs and longings
  • Prepare for the coming year, purifying what stands in the way of your Soul’s true path
  • Reconnect with the magic and mystery of life
  • Replace seasonal depression and anxiety with inner peace, joy and calm
  • Feel renewed, nourished and enlivened
  • Cultivate connection and belonging with yourself, others, and Spirit
  • Discover more about who you are and what your purpose is
  • Develop a deeper resonance with what is Sacred
  • Create a map to guide you through the coming year’s challenges and opportunities
  • Open to Nature's grace and abundance
  • Unlock the transformative power within you

What are the Sacred Nights of Winter, and why are they important?

Nearly every wisdom tradition has a “Festival of Light” that honors the light of the Sun, and the light within the human being, a light indicative of the Divine Spirit within each of us, longing to be birthed in its highest potential.

The Sacred Nights of Winter have been given various names, including, among many others, the Holy Nights, the Time Between the Years, and the Nights of the Mothers.

These darkest nights of Winter celebrate the return of the light following the shortest day of the year, Winter Solstice. They also celebrate the connection to the Light within ourselves and others.

The festivals of Christmas and Yuletide can be seen as an archetypal representation of the birth of the Spirit-Self within each of us, a Sacred Birth indeed.

During this time when the connection between the Earthly realm and the Spiritual realm is most potent, we're offered a drop of that Spirit Self to tend and nurture within us.

When nurtured with attention and care, these magical nights can help us to align with our true Spiritual intentions.

The Sacred Nights of Winter Journal offers additional detail about these nights and the potential they offer us each year, supporting you to work with them consciously and wisely.


Learn More About the Sacred Nights of Winter Journal
& See Sample Pages

How Does the Sacred Nights of Winter Journaling Work?

The Sacred Nights of Winter journal, a visually stunning, spiral-bound collection of roughly 100 pages, is designed to ignite your senses and soothe your Soul.

Living Aligned with Nature is the theme for the 2023-2024 journal.

Each day you’ll be given journaling prompts and inspirational contemplations designed to deepen connection to your own Inner Wisdom. You’ll explore your nightly dreams, observe each day’s unfolding and activity, deepen into the journal theme, and connect with potent zodiacal influences present each night.

As each night corresponds to a month in the year, you’ll have the opportunity to reflect on the past month associated with that night and envision the same month in the upcoming year—a beautiful ritual for reflection and renewal.

The Sacred Nights of Winter Journal is a journey toward self-awareness and an awakening of the Soul.

BONUS: When you receive your journal order confirmation, you’ll also be invited into the included Sacred Nights of Winter Circle. In this serene haven away from the noise of life, you'll receive additional teachings, meditations, prayers, and contemplations from Kim Marie daily throughout the Sacred Nights of Winter to inspire a deeper connection to your True Self and Highest Potential.

Sharing this journey with others enhances its transformative power. Consider gifting this meaningful journal to loved ones also on a path to awakening their Inner Wisdom.

Make Yourself a Priority this Holiday Season
You’ll be glad you did!

Printed/Delivered Journals

Praise for the Sacred Nights of Winter Journal

Melissa Michaels Sacred Nights of Winter Testimonial“I want to deeply honor your Sacred Nights of Winter journal work and your leadership through it. Your voice, your wisdom, your depth, your Divine love all stream through those pages. Thank you. The journal is healing, uplifting, guidance full, soft and open, potent and grounded. Thank you for honoring the Sacred Feminine so fully in how you show up and in what you offer to the world.”

~ Melissa Michaels - Boulder, CO

Sacred Nights of Winter Journal Testimonial Michele W

"I never experienced my usual depression during this time of year, and found that by the end of the process, my plans for the new year had nearly written themselves."

~ Michele W. - Eureka, CA

Sacred Nights of Winter Journal Testimonial Helene Macdonald"Your Sacred Nights of Winter journal contains a wealth of ideas and guidelines. It’s an excellent resource that will serve me for many years to come.”

~ Helene Macdonald - Boulder, CO

Sacred Nights of Winter Testimonial Lucky Paul

"I find your Sacred Nights of Winter Journal to be quite noble and inspiring. Beautifully written!"

~ Lacquanna Paul - Kinsau, Germany

Sacred Nights of Winter Testimonial Jen Towle; Enjoying the Sacred Nights of Winter Journal “I just wanted you to know how much my husband and I are enjoying the Sacred Nights of Winter journal, and the peaceful and clear work that we’re doing with it!”

~ Jennifer Towle, Boulder, CO

Sacred Nights of Winter Journal Testimonial Pam D, BC Canada"I feel the Sacred Nights of Winter Journal made the holiday time go slower since I was so present with it. I was really able to concentrate on connecting, not only with my Higher Self, but my family as well."

~ Pam D. - Fort St. John, BC Canada

Sacred Nights of Winter Journal Testimonial Heather B"Journaling in these Sacred Nights has been a profound experience of deeply connecting with my Soul and stepping into my journey with a renewed sense of inner harmony and strength of heart. Kim's coaching and commitment to provide this rich journaling experience are what I see more of each year at this time."

~ Heather B. - Boulder, CO

"The Sacred Nights of Winter Journal is such a blessing...such a beautiful, beautiful gift!"

"The Sacred Nights of Winter Journal was one of the most impactful and life-changing journeys I've ever undertaken. I had no idea what to expect, but each day opened my eyes to something I'd never known or experienced before."

~ Ash-lee Jeanne - Fort Collins, CO

Frequently Asked Questions

About the Author, Kim Marie:

Smiling with Holle by the Fire 92sm

Kim Marie is a Transformational Women's Empowerment Coach supporting women to awaken their Inner Wisdom and transform their lives.

Kim has been working with the Sacred Nights of Winter in one form or another since she was a child, always feeling the potency of this time of year, and holding it as sacred.

Eighteen years ago, she discovered the life-altering benefits of journaling during this time, and believes that consciously working with the Sacred Nights of Winter is one of the most impactful practices one can take up to satisfy the hunger in their Soul and effectively align with their path of destiny.

Through her powerful coaching and mentoring, programs, courses, and retreats, as well as her group membership, Solace, Kim supports women to remember who they are, reconnect to what matters most, and rebirth themselves into the life of freedom they envision.

Step into the enchanting embrace of Winter's transformational wisdom with the Sacred Nights of Winter Journal.

This journal is more than just a purchase; it's an investment in your own growth, empowerment, and self-discovery. It's a pledge to reconnect with the magic of life and honor your Soul's deepest longings.

Let this Winter be the season you flourish, the season you align with the wisdom of Nature, the season you come home to your Self.

Your journey begins now!

Sacred Nights of Winter Journal - Living Aligned with Nature; Holiday Journal; Holy Nights Journal; Christmas Journal; Spiral Bound Sacred Nights of Winter Journal with pinecone held in hands on the cover

Yes, please send me a Sacred Nights of Winter Journal!

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