Empowered women trust themselves to create the life they most long for.

Deep down, you know you're a powerful, talented woman...

But maybe you feel like you can't trust yourself, are playing small, or are struggling to step into your true power.

Life and Spiritual Coaching to find the empowered woman within you.

What would empowerment look like for you?

Let's forge a path to holistic empowerment together!

Balance and Empowerment Cards by Women's Empowerment Coach Kim Marie

Support for Navigating Today's Extremes
& Finding Your Empowered Self

Download my printable Balance & Empowerment Cards and booklet.

Plus, receive my Awaken Your Inner Wisdom newsletter occasionally to enjoy with a cup of tea.

Balance and Empowerment Cards
Moving beyond self-doubt and overwhelm to self-trust and confidence on your Soul's Journey with Women's Empowerment Coach Kim Marie

Our Souls Are at a Threshold

You’re likely here because your Soul knows something’s missing and is longing to feel empowered, perhaps in your relationships, career, business, self-expression, or sense of confidence, security, and well-being.

Or perhaps your Soul is nudging you to share your gifts and wisdom in more powerful ways, longing to trust yourself, make a difference and be on purpose.

We're all experiencing a tremendous bereavement of Soul, filled with anxiety, self-doubt, and discontent as we stand at the threshold between an old paradigm that’s no longer viable and the creation of a new, more empowered story. Threshold moments ask us to embark on a journey to empower our Soul.

The Journey to Empowerment

The journey to empowerment takes us through an inner wilderness, cultivating trust in ourselves, and an outer wilderness cultivating trust in our place in the world.

In consciously embarking upon this journey, we Remember who we are, Reconnect to what matters, Re-envision what’s possible, and Rebirth ourselves into a Soul-fulfilled life, embodying our awakened inner wisdom.

When one or more of these components is missing, we find ourselves stuck in the "gray area" of extremes,  riddled with self-doubt, overwhelm, and disconnection from our inner wisdom.

For more details on the journey, explore this interactive map.

Soul's Journey of Remembering, Reconnecting, Reenvisioning, Rebirthing; Soul Fulfillment

Could You Use a Women's Empowerment Coach?

Book an Exploratory Call to discuss where you are on your journey,
and what might bring your Soul Fulfillment.

Bring a cup of tea, and we'll explore what your expression of empowerment might look like together.

I'm Glad You're Here!

I'm Kim Marie, and through women's empowerment coaching, mentoring, and teaching, I bring a unique, and sometimes magical, blend of ancient and indigenous wisdom, archetypes, Soul-led leadership, and practical spirituality to support visionaries like you who are longing to stop betraying themselves by compromising who they are.

A Few Things About This Work of Women's Empowerment...

Each of my offers is carefully designed to be an holistic journey of empowerment for your Soul,
and weaves together with other offers to honor the understanding that nothing happens in isolation.
When we tend our inner realm, the outer realm shifts also.
As we support ourselves, we support our loved ones, and vice versa.

Life and Spiritual Coaching

Options to cultivate empowerment and self-trust

(Hover & Click on Images to Learn More)

Magic Is Believing in Yourself

~ Goethe ~

I Believe in You

~ Kim Marie ~