Are You Distracted From Your Truth? The Difference Between Good and Bad Distractions - Kim Marie Coaching

Are You Distracted From Your Truth? The Difference Between Good and Bad Distractions

Are you feeling distracted? It’s hard to find someone in today’s world who isn’t at least a little bit distracted most of the time.

In this article, I’ll delve into the topic of distraction, exploring it from unique perspectives. On one hand, there exists a remarkably subtle form of distraction that is seldom discussed. On the other hand, there are actually ways in which distraction might be a good thing. These are the two angles I want to come at this from.

The Bad Distractions

First and foremost, let’s address the insidious nature of distraction. We find various systems surrounding us, such as the educational system, political system, religions, healthcare system, philosophies, and causes. All of these things are crumbling and not working anymore.

We’re witnessing the disintegration of these structures, and the urgent need for reevaluation, reconsideration, and reconstruction.  

But here’s the thing, it’s not enough to simply take new actions or do things differently if we desire new outcomes. We must take a crucial step back and become different observers.

Without adopting an entirely new perspective, we cannot enact transformative change. 

It’s essential to acknowledge that we live in a patriarchal dominance culture, with a perspective from which the prevailing systems and ways of existence have originated. To create new systems, we must adopt a fresh outlook.

Herein lies the challenge. We often become distracted by advocating for feminism, anti-racism, new education systems, political reform, and other causes. While it’s important to address the problems within our systems, we must pause and reflect on how we arrived at this point in the first place.

We arrived here due to the influence of an oppressive patriarchal dominance culture. If we had a balanced and healthy integration of masculine and feminine energies within our culture, we would not commit acts like burning women at the stake, religious persecution, enslavement, or resource domination. Such behaviors are contrary to the harmonious nature of a society in equilibrium. Therefore, it’s imperative that we step back and examine the laws of Nature, our own operational principles, and our True Nature. 

By embracing our authentic observer selves, we can take new actions and ultimately achieve new outcomes. However, we often become sidetracked by championing these causes without taking the crucial step further back. 

While it’s important to express outrage when faced with atrocities like school shootings, police brutality, and systemic racism, we need to understand the root causes and our potential contribution to them. 

Having grown up in this culture, we unknowingly perpetuate insidious patterns and behaviors. I personally hesitated to associate myself with women’s empowerment or feminism due to the association with dominating and controlling others to achieve one’s desires—an approach I have observed far too often in the feminist movement. 

Equal pay, recognition, and addressing issues like sexual abuse are undeniably essential aspects of feminism. While progress has been made, setbacks have also occurred. For instance, we speak out against the objectification of women, yet now young girls objectify themselves, mistakenly perceiving that to be true empowerment. Additionally, some advocate for imitating men and proving our capability to do the same things. 

Feminism is not about competing with men.

True femininity embodies collaboration and honoring all individuals. A balanced, healthy perspective encompassing both feminine and masculine energies would prevent us from engaging in warfare, slaughtering others, or inflicting harm in such ways. We must step back and contemplate whether we’re being distracted by these causes, rather than addressing the root cause of the underlying issues at hand.

The Good Distractions

Let’s explore another perspective in which distraction can actually be a good thing. 

We’re swimming in a sea of status quo that’s been present for so long, the frey of a patriarchal dominance culture. This patriarchal dominance culture has prevailed for so long, and as a result, we’re witnessing a surge in conditions like ADHD, anxiety, and depression, among other issues.

In light of this, it becomes essential to ask ourselves why these problems are so prevalent. Is there a deeper reason, perhaps on a human evolutionary or consciousness level, that explains their prevalence?

Reflecting on anxiety and depression, for instance, these states can serve as a rock-bottom experience. They can reach a point where we say, “I can’t bear this anymore.” If we possess the strength within us to activate our willpower, and the determination to change, to step into our true power, we have the potential to bring about a significant transformation. 

Thus, anxiety and depression can actually hold a gift within them. They propel us to hit rock bottom, leading us to saying, “Enough is enough. I must change, and I need to delve into the root cause, exploring the depths of the issue.”

Furthermore, external factors such as attention deficit and the overwhelming influx of information from various sources, including social media, do not assist in this matter. Scientifically speaking, there are genuine external causes that imprint themselves on the brain. 

The phrase “As above, so below” comes to mind. Additionally, I like to consider “As within, so without” or “As without, so within.” These concepts emphasize the distinction between what is visible and what requires further exploration, what is readily comprehensible and what demands delving into the depths. 

Venturing into the depths is an inherently feminine trait, one that we have yet to fully embrace. It often entails discomfort.

Consider this perspective: what if the concept of attention deficit and being easily distracted serves as a means to divert our attention from the stagnant status quo that desperately needs change? It could be likened to a tap on the shoulder or a whisper in our ear, urging us to explore alternative paths. However, we may find ourselves in a job or situation where focus and attention are expected, where accomplishments and tasks must be completed. But what if these distractions actually enable us to realize that this is not where we belong, that this is not how we are meant to exist?

Consequently, we must learn to discern between Soul-inspired distractions that prompt us to seek a different path and Soul-crushing distractions that insidiously deceive us into thinking we are effecting change without truly delving deeper.

In both instances, we must journey into the depths and explore further. 

We must be willing to embrace discomfort, for healing requires it. 

Just as when we experience a physical wound, initially it may feel numb or insignificant, but as the healing process progresses, the discomfort intensifies. The skin tightens, itches, and a scab forms, accompanied by stinging sensations. The greater the wound, the more discomfort the healing includes.

We bear a profound wound resulting from our patriarchal dominance culture. It’s imperative that we examine things from a radically different perspective, one that honors the unseen, the invisible realm that we tend to disregard simply because it is not immediately evident. While it’s easy to champion causes and attempt to transform them from our current vantage point, genuine transformation will never occur unless we step back and adopt a fresh perspective. We must allow for healthy distractions that divert us onto alternative courses, urging us to explore the depths and step back further.

I’d love to hear your experiences in the comments—examples of instances in which you may have been distracted and felt that it was not necessarily a negative occurrence. Perhaps it helped you discover a new path. 

Likewise, if you’ve championed a cause, I’m eager to hear about your journey. Many individuals have pursued various religious causes, only to realize that they unintentionally diminished themselves or others in the process. They carry a burden of guilt and shame, which they’re now working through. They’ve come to realize that their actions, originating from the patriarchal dominance culture, contributed to division instead of fostering unity, as they engaged in a struggle of right versus wrong, dominance versus collaboration and connection.

If you found this discussion helpful, please consider sharing it with others In support of rediscovering our TrueNature, and empowerment as women. 

For a video version of, Are You Distracted From Your Truth? The Difference Between Good and Bad Distractions, watch here:

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