Today’s blog challenge topic is to share my most important actions (MIAs) over the next couple of weeks. By the way, I’m getting these challenge topics from Natalie Sisson’s 15 Day Blog Challenge, in case you’re interested in trying it out for yourself.
One of my MIAs is to WRITE!! This is the reason for participating in the challenge. I am committed to writing a post each day for the next couple of weeks, and setting the tone for more writing in general this year.
In addition to posting a daily blog, I am also writing content for a new online course. This course is a snippet of what I feel is a significant body of work I’m developing to help us all find ultimate fulfillment in our lives. Writing the content for this online course is a huge step for me toward getting a book written with some deeper content on the same topic.
The course is called “A Path to Personal Fulfillment,” and I’m super excited about it! It is designed to have a new module released each month. While the course is not quite ready for action yet, there is an information page and you can check out the introduction if you’d like. The first module will be ready in this next week. If you would like to be notified of the official release, please sign up to receive updates from me!
The challenge is to share three MIAs to commit to over the next two weeks. I’ve given two:
1. Daily writing
2. Launching my online course.
The third is personal care. I’m realizing I cannot do these things well if I don’t take care of myself. So, I’m declaring a commitment to pay attention to my personal needs, making sure I get ample time for nourishment with things like a hot bath, restful sleep, nourishing meals, connection with my children, etc.
What are your most important actions? For today? For this week? For this month? Perhaps paying attention to what they are is just the thing to help you make them happen!
Here’s to showing up with our MIAs!!