Reckoning with the Soul-Sickness of Our Time: Part 5 – Finding and Sharing Solace as a Remedy

Reckoning with the Soul-Sickness of Our Time: Part 5 – Finding and Sharing Solace as a Remedy

In our series on Reckoning with the Soul-Sickness of Our Time, we’ve explored the troubles of our time, the wisdom needed to face them, and the symptoms and setbacks of Soul-Sickness.  We’ve also explored some ideas for healing Soul-Sickness such as nurturing wholeness, awakening to Inner Wisdom, and allowing for heartbreak and grief.  In this…

Reckoning with the Soul-Sickness of Our Time: Part 4 - Heartbreak & Grief in Healing

Reckoning with the Soul-Sickness of Our Time: Part 4 – Heartbreak and Grief in Healing

Part 1 of this series of articles on Reckoning with the Soul-Sickness of Our Time explores Troubled Times & the Wisdom Needed to Meet Them. Part 2 details many of the common Symptoms and Setbacks of a Soul-Sick World.  Part 3 begins the journey toward healing the Soul-Sickness of our time by Nurturing Wholeness and…

Reckoning with the Soul-Sickness of Our Times: Part 3 - A Path Toward Healing: Nurturing Wholeness

Reckoning with the Soul-Sickness of Our Time: Part 3 – A Path Toward Healing

Part 1 of this series on Reckoning with the Soul-Sickness of Our Time explored our troubled times and the wisdom needed to meet them. In Part 2, we dove deeper into the symptoms and setbacks of a Soul-Sick world. In Part 3, we’re going to begin exploring a path toward healing the Soul-Sickness of our…

Reckoning with the Soul-Sickness of Our Time: Part 2 - Symptoms & Setbacks of a Soul-Sick World.

Reckoning with the Soul-Sickness of Our Time: Part 2 – Symptoms & Setbacks of a Soul-Sick World

Note: This is the second in a series of articles on Reckoning with the Soul-Sickness of Our Time. Read Part 1 – Trouble Times and the Wisdom Needed to Meet Them for the foundational info on this topic. Earlier, I defined Soul-Sickness as being a state of bereavement of Soul; characterized by a sense that…

Reckoning with the Soul Sickness of Our Times: Part 1 - Troubled Times and the Wisdom Needed to Meet Them

Reckoning with the Soul-Sickness of Our Time: Part 1 – Troubled Times & the Wisdom Needed to Meet Them

With all that’s been happening in the world of late, even just this past 2 weeks alone, I’ve turned to writing as a powerful tool to help me make sense of things. When inundated with the troubles of our times, if we’re willing to sit with our discomfort long enough, we may also be offered…

Why am I so tired? The Cause of Your Fatigue May Not Be What You Think

Why Am I So Tired? What is the Cause of My Fatigue?

Have you been feeling more tired than usual? Have you felt like you just can’t do the things you used to do, or keep up with all the things vying for your attention? Do you feel like staying in bed a little longer these days? Are you tired of being tired? I’m hearing these experiences…

Purging, Resignation, Surrender and Presence: How to Surrender and Find Peace in the Pain

How to Surrender and Find Peace in the Pain

Purging: How to Surrender via Letting Go Autumn brings with it a time of purging.  The trees are purging their leaves to prepare for regrowth and renewal. Animals are purging their dens or locations to make room for sustenance, hibernation and/or rejuvenation.  As we define purging, we find that its meaning relates to purifying, cleansing,…

Journaling Tips

My #1 Journaling Technique & Tip

One of my most cherished tools for navigating life’s toughest obstacles is the practice of journaling.  I’m particularly fond of a leather-bound journal that holds multiple smaller journals within it. These smaller journals serve different purposes. One is dedicated to personal reflections, while the other focuses on my business endeavors. I employ various approaches to…

Holistically empowered women become evolutionary leaders and realize their dreams.

Holistic Empowerment, Evolutionary Leadership, & Realizing Your Dreams

A few years ago, the concept of being an evolutionary was strong in my mind as a healing balm to create much needed change, both in the world at large, and toward the realization of our personal dreams. I’m still contemplating this today, perhaps more than ever as I expand into more of what holistic…

Ways to Feel Energized and Connected
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Ways to Feel Energized and Connected

What does it look like to feel energized and connected? Many women tell me they want to feel more energized and connected. They’re feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, stressed, depleted, and they feel disconnected from themselves and others. They feel alone, and maybe even lost. What Does it Feel Like to Be Energized and Connected?  My own…

How the Feminine Decreases Anxiety
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How the Feminine Decreases Anxiety

Are you looking for how to feel less anxious, or reduce anxiety?  In this article I’m sharing Feminine qualities I’ve discovered help decrease anxiety significantly. Awareness Anxiety is such a prevalent challenge today for so many people.   One of the greatest things I’ve found is that the Wisdom of the Feminine can help us feel…

4 Holistic Lifestyle Habits You Can Start Now

4 Holistic Lifestyle Habits You Can Start Now

Are you looking to live a more empowered, holistic lifestyle connected to your true nature?  In this article, I’m sharing four holistic lifestyle habits you can start doing today.  I look at habits as something we create with practice, so we need to look at what we’re practicing. Practicing these habits will help you live…

Black woman creating new year ritual
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A Ritual for Reviewing & Opening the Year

Reviewing the year is a natural tendency as the turning of the wheel comes with the Winter Solstice. This peak moment of the sun at it’s lowest point in the sky (in the northern hemisphere) is indicative of a completion, a finishing, and a perfect time for becoming still. And then we step into the…

Coaching vs Therapy: Which is Right for You?

Coaching vs Therapy: Which is Right for You?

Curious about the difference between a therapist and a coach and which might be right for you?  Let’s explore the similarities, differences, and crossovers so you can find exactly what option might be best for you, or at least have more familiarity with the differences between coaching and therapy. I’ll be speaking from my own…

5 Tips to Overcome Winter Blues Image with Woman playing in snow.
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5 Tips to Overcome Winter Blues

For many, Winter brings with it the Winter blues. This low mood, anxiety, depression, or overwhelm is often labeled seasonal affective disorder. Perhaps you love Winter, but maybe you’d like to feel better about how you navigate it, or how to enjoy it more. Winter is the season of the Divine Feminine. We can tap…

Keeping Our Sanity by Learning to Love the Winter
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Keeping Our Sanity by Learning to Love the Winter

Even in today’s world of modern conveniences, preparing for Winter is still a very important consideration for our Soul and our sanity. Many of us think that only squirrels and other animals need to prepare for Winter anymore because of the modern conveniences we have. Gone are the days when we were required to prepare…

Slow Release Medicine for Sustainable Results
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Slow Release Medicine for Sustainable Results

   Upon reading The Kingdom Is Asleep: Stories and Spells by Tad Hargrave of Marketing for Hippies, I had a few “aha” moments around my business marketing that may articulate more of what I offer for you. Tad’s article isn’t even really about marketing, but many things came up for me within it, given who…