Mapping Your Sacred Year


What if you could plan your year based on inspired intentions that feel aligned with your Soul & Nature’s rhythm?


In Mapping Your Sacred Year you’ll create a map for your year that:

  • Considers the rhythm of Nature and Her cycles
  • Tunes into the cosmic/zodiacal influences and support streaming toward us through the year
  • Sets intentions based on inspiration that has come to you for your year’s unfolding, rather than “shoulds” that often serve as obstacles to your progress
  • Connects to the natural pattern of the Soul’s journey that Remembers, Reconnects, Re-envsions and Rebirths year after year
  • Enjoy this course with interactive worksheets and practices to help you map your sacred year and stay aligned on your Soul’s path.
  • Want more info? View the full Mapping Your Sacred Year course page.



Plan your year in alignment with your values & vision. A great compliment to the Sacred Nights of Winter Journal to include the wisdom that came to you during the Sacred Nights.