Wisdom of Fairy Tales


A Self-Study Online Course
to Reignite the Magic in Your Life

Let's face it...you probably wouldn't be here exploring this journey unless your soul was seeking a bit of re-enchantment with life.

Fairy tales, mythology and folklore have enchanted and enlivened human beings since the beginning of time, challenging, mystifying and awakening us (even if we don’t know how or why).

In today’s patriarchal dominance culture, far too many of us are moving through life in an almost numbed state as we try to keep up with all the “shoulds,” manage all the things, and maintain the act of not showing our self-doubt and angst with the way things are.

You might even be experiencing a long, slow burn of dissatisfaction that you fear may never end.

The enchantment has been lost.

Even if we’re feeling on-purpose in our lives, we find ourselves wondering why it seems so challenging to find space for ourselves and have greater ease in bringing our gifts.

Our Disenchantment with Life Is Not Our Fault

The cultural conditioning is difficult to rise above or escape when there’s a constant striving for “more, bigger, better, faster.”

How can any of us easily rise above that noise?

We try to escape or replenish through retreats, meditation, or substances, only to find those moments of peace quite difficult to access when we again are drowning in the sea of overwhelm and self-doubt.

We succumb to the “I don’t have time” voice that tells us such efforts toward a new way of approaching things are frivolous.

We’re uncomfortable with the unfamiliar, preferring the quick-fix or magic pill, rather than the unknown realm of ‘something different.’

The thing is, “something different” just might be exactly what the Soul is longing for.

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We need a new lens through which to see the world that helps us to sustainably align with our Soul’s true path, and reanimate a sense of purpose.

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Believe it or not, what reconnected me to my true path was Fairy Tales & Folklore.

Through these old tales (and I’m talking about the old tales, not the Disneyfied versions from my childhood, which were pure toxicity), my life began to feel re-enchanted.

I was deeply Soul-sick, and this new perspective was giving my Soul a voice that it never had before.

As I immersed myself in these stories, I discovered so much hidden and well-preserved magic in them.

As the archetypal, metaphorical connections to the many characters, places and experiences came alive within me, my life started to make sense and to change.

I could see myself in the striving of the hero or heroine of these stories. I could see my trials in their trials. I could see my shadow side in the villains of the tales.

I started to see that nothing would shift for me unless I could stand up for and take care of myself, fully owning my own crap and honoring that my life was my responsibility.

I realized that only I could be the leading character in the story of my life.

As I learned to see and experience life through archetypes, metaphors, symbols, dreams and stories, I began to experience the language of the Soul.

Soon I began to see everything as an archetype or metaphor for life...Nature, characters, movies, stories and more. I even began to see the bible in this way, which helped me to see all wisdom traditions through a completely different lens, and catapult my healing as a “recovering Christian.”

I discovered the ways in which the language of the Soul can be given a voice, re-enchanted, which actually means that it's able to sing again!

It's all there, sleeping beneath the surface, longing to be awakened, acknowledged and listened to.

The deep forest is indeed a beautiful place to see our own reflection, and find our way to the light of our True Being.

This experience has guided me to support other women to break free from the spell of entrapment in their life, and move toward a true sense of freedom and fulfillment.

The Myths About Fairy Tales


This journey will be empowering for you if...

  • You’re standing at a threshold of transition in your life, longing for inspiration and wisdom to move forward
  • You’re longing to reconnect to your Soul’s passions
  • You enjoy the power of story, and would like a little of the magic for yourself rather than just watching children enjoy it
  • You’re curious to learn more about how fairy tales can bring understanding to our development and unfolding as human beings (including for your children)
  • You have an open mind to re-enchanting your life in new ways
  • You long for a community of kindred spirits also ready for new possibilities
  • You were an English major and loved analyzing stories, you nerd out over folklore, and you’d love to be back in the classroom while expanding your sense of soul-led wonder
“What is absorbed little by little by means of fairy tales emerges subsequently as joy in life, in the meaning of life - it comes to light in the ability to cope with life, even into old age.”

~ Rudolf Steiner

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You're Invited to Join the Journey of the Wisdom of Fairy Tales

Only $150 for a deep understanding of how the Wisdom of Fairy Tales supports a fulfilling life, and a deep dive into 4 Fairy Tales.

This program consists of recorded sessions from an 8-week live course that had both a morning and an evening class, so you'll receive the benefit of two recorded versions of each class. This means additional immersion in seeing how the Wisdom of Fairy Tales can guide us on our path to fulfillment.

Throughout our journey, we’ll explore:

  • Themes in the tales, and how they relate to our lives today
  • Archetypes and metaphors that can serve as guidance on our life path
  • Shadows living in the tales that show up in our own lives
  • Reconciling the feminine and the masculine through the tales’ teachings
  • How to orient ourselves on the map of our own unique journey, and apply the wisdom teachings as needed

Verbal recordings of the fairy tales to be explored will be in the learning area, available for you to listen to prior to each gathering. I also recommend written versions found in the Grimm’s Complete Fairy Tales.

All sessions are a combination of recorded live sessions, contemplation, and conversation to connect us more fully with our own Soul’s journey.

There will also be journaling prompts and worksheets offered with each lesson to keep you immersed in the experience day-to-day.

Immersion in this journey through fairy tales will help you to...

  • See the world through a new lens that reanimates a sense of purpose
  • Reconnect to who you are, and what you value
  • Meet your shadows and learn to embrace them lovingly
  • Cultivate confidence, clarity and courage in navigating life’s challenges and discerning the right choices for moving forward
  • Re-enliven your playful side
  • Improve your relationships
  • Cultivate Soulful leadership
  • Recognize unhealthy patterns and heal old wounds
  • Find balance and equanimity for yourself and your family
  • Become the heroine and leading character in your unique Soul’s journey
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Here's what others are saying about the experience:


“I’ve learned so much taking the Wisdom of Fairy Tales class with Kim Marie. Fairy Tales are an entry point for studying archetypes, the Hero's journey, spiritual science, the chakras, virtues, star wisdom and our own wisdom within. They’re a vehicle to dig into all aspects of life and consciousness. It’s been such a rich, inspiring experience. My classmates have become my friends and we’ve created a safe, sacred community that has supported and encouraged my own growth, insight and connection.”

Genny H. - Boulder, CO


“Kim's knowledge and study of archetypes and fairy tales is impressive and all encompassing! She has a lovely skill for bringing the hidden symbolism of a tale into my everyday life. Kim's excitement for teaching The Wisdom of Fairy Tales is contagious. As she teaches she’s always thrilled with the next aha moment and spiritual growth experience of the group.”

Elissa L. - Longmont, CO


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About Your Guide

I’m Kim Marie, and for over a decade, I’ve been guiding women to remember the gifts that are already within them, and awaken the Inner Wisdom that brings them home to themselves.

My passion for transformational learning and development is expressed through a unique blend of archetypal wisdom, character strengths, esoteric and indigenous wisdom, and habit breaking programs that empower individuals to break the chains of old patterns and conditioning, and become not only their best Selves, but also effective leaders. They become true Self-Leaders, confident in who they are, committed to what they value, and able to create meaningful change.

You can learn more about me and my own journey here.

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"These stories satisfy the natural longing for the wonderful."

~ Wilhelm Grimm