Immediate Support to Navigate Extremes,
Move Beyond Fear,
& Balance Point of Empowerment


These free Balance & Empowerment Cards provide you with tools you can begin using today to navigate the extremes of life and find a sense of balance and empowerment within.

You’ll receive a downloadable document, the first six pages of which are a guide, and the second six pages of which can be printed on card-stock, colored, and cut out into 12 beautiful altar cards.

Use them for meditation, contemplation, self-discovery, and, most importantly, guidance toward a true sense of empowerment beyond the extremes of day to day life.

I often refer to these cards in my other offerings as well, as they're a powerful tool no matter where you are on your journey.

You’ll also receive my regular Awaken Your Inner Wisdom newsletter through which I share inspiring articles, videos, and journeys you may enjoy.

Balance and Empowerment Cards