Winter Solstice Gathering

THURsday, December 21, 2023

10am MT, 12pm ET, 9am PT
Free Online Event

Deepen, Calm, Connect

Join me for this magical online event to nourish your Soul!

Is It Possible to Create Sacred Space Online?

Short courses - affordable offerings with practical tools and guidance to live empowered.



Week after week, I witness the sacred space my Solace community creates together, and have felt inspired for months to create an event that brings our entire community together.

What better time to come together in sacred community than the Solstice!

What You'll Experience:

  • Celebrate the Magic of the Winter Solstice
  • Cultivate Resilience for Moving into the Darkest Nights of the Year
  • Prepare for the Sacred Nights of Winter
  • Connect to the Wisdom of Winter Solstice
  • Center & Ground with Practical Exercises that Bring Comfort in Uncertainty
  • Align Your Nature with Nature's Wisdom
  • Generate a Sense of Belonging, Gathering with Kindred Souls in Community

Plus you'll receive:

IG-Tablet-and-Pages-only 72

Journaling As a Path to Come Home

This free downloadable guide is a wonderful companion to work with as you consider journaling as a tool for connecting more deeply with Nature. You'll find 6 methods to help you align with your True Nature.

Frequently Asked Questions

Kim Marie Host of Winter Solstice Gathering 72sm

About Your Host:

Kim Marie is a Women's Empowerment Coach supporting her clients to awaken their inner wisdom and transform their lives.

Kim has been passionate about aligning with Nature and Her rhythms since she was a child. Through Kim's own journey of self-discovery, she found that it is the Laws of Nature that play perhaps the most significant role in bringing us back to our True Nature.

Through her powerful mentoring, programs, courses, and retreats, as well as her group coaching program, Solace, Kim brings a unique, and sometimes magical, blend of ancient wisdom, archetypes, Soul-led leadership, and practical spirituality to support visionary women longing to stop betraying themselves by compromising who they are.

Kim supports women to remember who they are, reconnect to what matters most, and rebirth themselves into the life of freedom they envision.

Yes, please register me for the Winter Solstice Gathering!