Mapping Your Sacred Year - Kim Marie Coaching
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What if you could plan your year based on inspired intentions that feel aligned with your Soul & Nature's rhythm?

In Mapping Your Sacred Year you'll create a map for your year that:

  • Considers the rhythm of Nature and Her cycles
  • Tunes into the cosmic/zodiacal influences and support streaming toward us through the year
  • Sets intentions based on inspiration that has come to you for your year's unfolding, rather than "shoulds" that often serve as obstacles to your progress
  • Connects to the natural pattern of the Soul's journey that Remembers, Reconnects, Re-envisions and Rebirths year after year

Enjoy this course with interactive worksheets and practices to help you map your sacred year and stay aligned on your Soul's path.

Note: This course is a pre-recorded course with videos from a live workshop that walk you through the full process.

Mapping Your Sacred Year: Setting Intentions with Attention; New Year Intentions for manifestation; Map for the New Year


Kim Marie is a transformational life and leadership mentor, guiding you to reconnect with the roots of who you are, and what matters most.

She reanimates a sense of purpose and empowerment with her unique blend of Sacred Feminine and Archetypal Wisdom, Character Strengths, Esoteric and Indigenous Wisdom, and habit-breaking programs that empower you to break the chains of old patterns and conditioning and bring Solace to your Soul.

Through her speaking, writing, teaching, coaching, and ongoing, interactive Solace program, Kim is a guide on the journey from the numbing status quo to the sense of peace, joy, and fulfillment that comes from aligning your Soul with your True Self.

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