Happy Mother’s Day!!
Whether you’re a mother by gender and by offspring or not, I believe you are a mother.
You’re a mother to your children.
You’re a mother to all that you create.
You’re a mother to the inner child within you longing for recognition and healing.
You’re a mother to those you care for and the values you care about.
We all have the essence of the Sacred Feminine within us.
The Great Mother, the Mother of Humanity, is a part of our being, and if we tap into Her wisdom, we also tap into profound potential and healing for ourselves and the planet.
The Mother bears the memory of all that is. She shows up in her multifaceted expressions in the multifaceted domains of life. She stays with us as we realize and fulfill our Spiritual Nature.
You are striving. You long to realize the fullness of who you truly are.
Tuning into the archetypal essence of the Great Mother can offer so much comfort and peace in these trying times we’re living in. She’s forgiving, loving and nurturing. She’s strong, balanced and compassionate.
One of my favorite practices is to imagine the Great Mother behind me, wrapping her loving arms around me, holding me as I tune into her steady and confident heartbeat. This practice offers me so much comfort, and allows me to center in myself, tapping into the Mother’s knowing of my beauty and potential, and trusting in her confidence in me when I struggle to trust myself.
Her wisdom pours forth, helping us to face the full experience of each moment. She shows us what must be cleaned up from our past, and offers us a new vision for the future, all while insisting that we remain here in the present moment, fully integrating it all.
How often do you connect with the Great Mother and/or the Mother Archetype within you?
An Indigenous Elder once told me, “Talk to Her. Remember that if we don’t give attention to our limbs by using them and communicating with them, they atrophy. If we don’t pay attention to a child, that child dies.”
Many of us are dying. Dying is the way of life. We go through many cycles of death and rebirth.
One way or another, we’re going to die. Death is inevitable.
I’m not speaking of physical death here. I’m speaking of the death we must undergo for the sake of our own growth and evolution.
We have a choice.
We can allow our Soul to die to the conforming, misaligned, imposed ideas of all that we think we are supposed to be.
Or we can let our lower self die to the essence of our true being, the Higher Self that stands in full integrity, showing up in all her balanced brilliance and all of her uniqueness.
I challenge you to open a conversation with the Great Mother.
Talk to Her. Let Her know your challenges.
Thank Her for never leaving your side and for always accepting you exactly as you are in any moment.
Allow yourself to die into Her arms so that She may guide you to re-birth into the truth of who you are.
On this beautiful Mother’s Day, may we all honor the Great Mother who is the source of all life.
May this Mother’s Day bring you deep connection to your Soul and the Soul of the World!
Awaken Your Inner Wisdom,