Manifest Your Vision - Kim Marie Coaching
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There are many planning and goal-setting courses that speak of structure and strategy, but few that support you to step into the flow and actually manifest your vision.

Learn how to unite the flow of the Feminine with the structure and strategy of the Masculine in this 1.5-hour course.

The course is broken down into bite-sized videos and includes a downloadable audio version, as well as helpful worksheets to guide you toward manifesting your vision.

Manifest Your Vision: Bringing Feminine Flow to Masculine Structure and Strategy; Envision a Life of Fulfillment


Kim Marie is a transformational life and leadership mentor, guiding you to reconnect with the roots of who you are, and what matters most.

She reanimates a sense of purpose and empowerment with her unique blend of Sacred Feminine and Archetypal Wisdom, Character Strengths, Esoteric and Indigenous Wisdom, and habit-breaking programs that empower you to break the chains of old patterns and conditioning and bring Solace to your Soul.

Through her speaking, writing, teaching, coaching, and ongoing, interactive Solace program, Kim is a guide on the journey from the numbing status quo to the sense of peace, joy, and fulfillment that comes from aligning your Soul with your True Self.

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